perm filename ERMAN.1[NOT,DBL] blob sn#208289 filedate 1976-03-30 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
.LTR(Mrs. L. Erman)
Department of Computer Science
Carnegie-Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213


Dear Lucy,

I enjoyed my visit to CMU very much, and 
am eagerly looking forward to coming there in September.
Let me thank you for the excellent arrangements you made for me.

Enclosed is the  receipt for my airplane  ticket.
The airport limo was an additional $7 round-trip, but 
I didn't bother getting receipts and
you needn't refund that.
Carnegie's share of the airfare is about $150. The complete division of
my $524 fare is as follows:


$150 Carnegie-Mellon
$74 MIT
$150 Rutgers
$150 U. Texas


In case you're curious about the inequity,
MIT's share is lower due to a prior agreement with Pat Winston.
Before my trip, he told me that
there would be absolutely no job openings this year
in MIT's CS dept., so my trip there was arranged merely to exchange ideas.

I am in no hurry to be reimbursed, but if the division I have sketched above  is
unacceptable, then please inform me immediately.

Once again, thank you for the hospitality you showed me during my visit.
Regards to Lee.

